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MamaBear helps you track your child's health symptoms, activity, and exposure to illness with a comprehensive diary and video log. But there is more—trending, notifications to collect post-medication symptoms, and educational content.
With a few taps, MamaBear automatically sends an email with a web link to your child's doctor. Our format makes review easy. It takes the doctor less than a minute.
MamaBear Health is an asynchronous telemedicine system, so you don't need to make an appointment.
When your child is sick, Check-in with MamaBear. Collect symptoms, exposure/activity context, and a video. If you give your child medication, you will receive a phone notification within 15 minutes alerting you to collect post-treatment symptoms and a video.
You can track your child's health over weeks, months or years. Most children will have ten respiratory episodes over a year. Assess if your child's illnesses have seasonal, activity, or exposure-related trends.
Share your Check-ins with your provider on your mobile phone. You can also subscribe to have links sent to friends, family, daycare and clinical providers.
1. Setup an account
2. Record your child's symptoms and a 10-second video.
3. Enter your doctor's email address.
MamaBear takes care of the rest! Your doctor will receive a web link in 5 minutes.
Telemedicine without an appointment.
MamaBear Health
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